Our interdisciplinary action research program currently involves nine universities from across Canada, as well as 42 community partners. Created in 2007, this network of researchers is currently studying the diversity of Francophone and Métis identities in Western Canada in order to characterize, assess, and revitalize the language and culture as well as to protect and celebrate this heritage. The alliance which is based on concerted efforts also provides training opportunities for students and young researchers. It intends to mobilize interested community groups and create new knowledge supporting the development of these communities.
Our team of experienced researchers and community organizations is currently studying problems confronting minority francophone communities that have endured the effects of assimilation for over a century. We are investigating nine areas that have not been sufficiently studied, such as: a new pedagogy for teaching science in Francophone schools; the role of parents in supporting literacy development in young children; issues of exogamy in educational administration at both school and division levels; integrating new immigrants in schools; varieties of spoken French in communities across Western Canada; the language and cultural heritage of the Metis; toponymy - the geographical names of French or Metis origin; representations of cultural identity in Francophone theatre; and representations of Francophone identity in the media.
This research and associated interactions funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada are largely focusing on Francophone communities in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.